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中华神经创伤外科电子杂志 ›› 2022, Vol. 08 ›› Issue (05) : 282 -286. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-9141.2022.05.005


张志强1, 李飞1, 郑全乐2, 王振芳3, 陈文锦1, 孙恺1, 吴国华2, 李春虎2, 徐超3, 代秋声3, 陈立华4, 徐如祥4,()   
  1. 1. 100700 北京,解放军总医院第七医学中心放射诊断科
    2. 065000 廊坊,廊坊爱德堡医院脑科中心
    3. 215123 苏州,江苏摩科特医疗科技有限公司
    4. 610072 成都,电子科技大学附属医院·四川省人民医院神经外科
  • 收稿日期:2022-03-05 出版日期:2022-10-15
  • 通信作者: 徐如祥
  • 基金资助:
    全军十二五军事医学重点课题(BWS12J010); 军队医药卫生成果扩试项目(20WKS08); 国家自然基金青年科学基金课题(81100971)

16-slice mobile CT low-dose scanning imaging of children's head and risks control of radiation injury

Zhiqiang Zhang1, Fei Li1, Quanle Zheng2, Zhenfang Wang3, Wenjin Chen1, Kai Sun1, Guohua Wu2, Chunhu Li2, Chao Xu3, Qiusheng Dai3, Lihua Chen4, Ruxiang Xu4,()   

  1. 1. Department of Radiology, Seventh Medical Center of PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100700, China
    2. Brain Center, Edberg Hospital, Langfang 065000, China
    3. Jiangsu Mocoto Medical Technology Co.Ltd., Suzhou 215123, China
    4. Department of Neurosurgery, Affiliated Hospital of University of Electronic Science and Technology/Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital, Chengdu 610072, China
  • Received:2022-03-05 Published:2022-10-15
  • Corresponding author: Ruxiang Xu

张志强, 李飞, 郑全乐, 王振芳, 陈文锦, 孙恺, 吴国华, 李春虎, 徐超, 代秋声, 陈立华, 徐如祥. 儿童头部16排移动CT低剂量扫描成像及辐射损伤风险控制[J/OL]. 中华神经创伤外科电子杂志, 2022, 08(05): 282-286.

Zhiqiang Zhang, Fei Li, Quanle Zheng, Zhenfang Wang, Wenjin Chen, Kai Sun, Guohua Wu, Chunhu Li, Chao Xu, Qiusheng Dai, Lihua Chen, Ruxiang Xu. 16-slice mobile CT low-dose scanning imaging of children's head and risks control of radiation injury[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Neurotraumatic Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2022, 08(05): 282-286.










To analyze the imaging quality and radiation injury risk control of 16-slice mobile CT low-dose scanning in the head of children aged 14 years and below with craniocerebral diseases.


A total of 180 children aged 14 and below with craniocerebral diseases were admitted in the Radiodiagnosis Department of the 7th Medical Center of the PLA Hospital and the Brain Center of Langfang Edburg Hospital from March 2017 to January 2020, including 20 children aged 0-3 years and 160 children aged 4-14 years. The low-dose imaging quality of 16-slice mobile CT was observed. At the same time, the volume CT dose index (CTDIvol), dose length product (DLP) and human effective dose (ED) of the 0-3 years old group (10 cases), the 4-14 years old group (20 cases), and the adult group (20 cases) were collected. Twenty adult patients with 8-slice mobile CT and 64-slice large CT scans were selected in the same period from the Radiodiagnosis Department of the 7th Medical Center of the PLA Hospital for comparison and analysis of the changes of three different types of radiation dose indicators.


The imaging quality of low-dose head scan in children aged 14 years and below is stable and meets the requirements of clinical diagnosis. The comparison of radiation dose indicators shows that the CTDIvol and DLP values of the adult group were significantly different from those of the 0-3 year old group and the 4-14 year old group, while the ED values of the 3 groups were not statistically significant (P>0.05). The CTDIvol, DLP and ED values in the 16-slice mobile CT adult group were significantly different from those in the 8-slice mobile CT group and 64-slice large CT group (P<0.05).


The low-dose scan of 16-slice mobile CT in children aged 14 years and below had no significant effect on the image quality, but the radiation dose index decreased significantly, which effectively controlled the risk of radiation injury.

表1 14岁及以下患儿采用16排移动CT头部扫描基本信息
图1 16排移动CT低剂量头部扫描显示脑组织图像清晰A:鞍上池层面;B:四叠体池层面;C:松果体池层面
图2 16排移动CT低剂量头部扫描显示先天性脑积水,脑室系统明显扩大A:第三脑室扩大;B~C:脑室体部扩大
表2 16排移动CT头部扫描不同年龄段组辐射剂量值比较(±s
表3 16排移动CT、8排移动CT及64排大型CT的辐射剂量比较(±s
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