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中华神经创伤外科电子杂志 ›› 2015, Vol. 01 ›› Issue (04) : 208 -212. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-9141.2015.04.005


葛云飞1, 胡群亮1, 蒋显峰1, 高培龙1, 张民1, 令狐海瑞1, 王伟1, 薄寅1, 周星1, 张赛1,()   
  1. 1.300162 天津武警后勤学院附属医院脑科医院;武警部队创伤与神经疾病研究所
  • 收稿日期:2015-07-22 出版日期:2015-04-11
  • 通信作者: 张赛
  • 基金资助:

Discussion on the treatment programs of hydrocephalus after decompressive craniectomy of severe traumatic brain injury

Yunfei Ge1, Qunliang Hu1, Xianfeng Jiang1, Peilong Gao1, Min Zhang1, Hairui Linghu1, Wei Wang1, Yin Bo1, Xing Zhou1, Sai Zhang1,()   

  1. 1.Institute of Traumatic Brain Injury and Neurology,Logistics University of the Chinese Armed Police Forces,Key Laboratory of Neurotrauma Repairment,Tianjin 300162,China
  • Received:2015-07-22 Published:2015-04-11
  • Corresponding author: Sai Zhang

葛云飞, 胡群亮, 蒋显峰, 高培龙, 张民, 令狐海瑞, 王伟, 薄寅, 周星, 张赛. 探讨重型颅脑创伤去骨瓣减压术后脑积水的治疗方案[J/OL]. 中华神经创伤外科电子杂志, 2015, 01(04): 208-212.

Yunfei Ge, Qunliang Hu, Xianfeng Jiang, Peilong Gao, Min Zhang, Hairui Linghu, Wei Wang, Yin Bo, Xing Zhou, Sai Zhang. Discussion on the treatment programs of hydrocephalus after decompressive craniectomy of severe traumatic brain injury[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Neurotraumatic Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2015, 01(04): 208-212.






早期组、延期组、先VPS组和后VPS组治疗有效率分别为88.2%、86.4%、90.3%、89.5%,四组之间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);且各组并发症中分流堵管率并无差异(P>0.05);早期组头皮感染发生率明显高于先行VPS组(17.6%VS 6.5%),先VPS组及后行VPS组术后硬膜下积液或血肿发生率(分别为3.2%和5.2%)均明显低于早期组及晚期组(分别为11.76%和9.09;P<0.05)。




To investigating the different surgical plans for patients with hydrocephalus after decompressive craniectomy of severe traumatic brain injury.


The clinical data of 89 patients with severe traumatic brain injury underwent craniotomy to bone flap decompression combined with post-traumatic hydrocephalus after trauma were retrospectively analyzed.Four groups were difined according to the different operation mode:group of early ventriculo-peritoneal shunt(VPS)+cranioplasty seventeen cases;group delay extension of ventriculo peritoneal shunt(VPS)+skull neoplasty in twenty-two cases;first VPS for cranioplasty group thirty-one cases(VPS),first skull repair surgery again VPS group nineteen cases(after VPS group).


Early group,group delay,first VPS group and after VPS group treatment efficiency was 88.2%,86.4%,90.3%and 89.5%,respectively.The differences between any two groups show no statistical significance(P>0.05);and the complications of the three groups in shunt tube plugging rate had no difference(P>0.05);early group scalp infection rate was significantly higher than that of the first VPSgroup(17.6%vs 6.5%),the first VPSgroup and underwent VPSgroup postoperative subdural hematoma or effusion incidence(respectively 3.2%and 5.2%)was significantly lower than that of the early group and late stage group(11.76%and 9.09%,respectively;P<0.05).


Directe at post-traumatic hydrocephalus patients caused by bone flap decompression after severe traumatic brain injury,early,late and VPSgroup,after VPS group treatment options no difference,operation scheme choicebenefits to patientswho underwent.

图1 早期组颅脑创伤患者手术治疗前后头颅CT图 A:患者去骨瓣减压术后5周余出现创伤后脑积水,骨窗凸出,张力较高;B:行脑室-腹腔分流术+颅骨修补术后1周复查CT,提示:手术满意,脑组织恢复尚可;C:术后4周复查头部CT,脑室系统明显缩小,脑组织恢复良好。
表1 各组患者手术后疗效[例(%)]
图2 先行VPS组及后行VPS组颅脑创伤患者手术治疗前后头颅CT图 A:先行VPS术组颅脑创伤患者去骨瓣减压术后出现脑积水,脑室扩大明显;B:行脑室-腹腔分流术后1周复查头颅CT示:脑室系统缩小,骨窗塌陷;C:及时调整腹分压力泵,颅骨修补术1周后复查头颅CT提示:脑室系统扩大明显改善,脑组织恢复良好;D:修补术后4周复查头颅CT。E:后行VPS术组颅脑损伤患者头颅CT提示脑室扩张明显,但脑组织张力尚可。F:行修补术后1周复查头颅CT提示:颅脑解剖结构恢复良好;G:约3周后行脑室-腹腔分流术,术后1周复查头颅CT提示:脑积水改善;H:腹分术后4周复查头颅CT。
表2 各组患者并发症比较(例)
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