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中华神经创伤外科电子杂志 ›› 2019, Vol. 05 ›› Issue (05) : 310 -314. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-9141.2019.05.013

所属专题: 经典病例 经典病例 文献


梁星宇1, 徐如祥2,(), 梁春阳2   
  1. 1. 100700 北京市东直门中学
    2. 100700 北京,解放军总医院第七医学中心神经外科
  • 收稿日期:2019-05-18 出版日期:2019-10-15
  • 通信作者: 徐如祥
  • 基金资助:
    首都特色临床医学技术发展研究基金(Z090507017709006); 首都医学发展科研基金(2009-2050)

Recent advance in selecting patients about endovascular treatment of acute ischemic stroke

Xingyu Liang1, Ruxiang Xu2,(), Chunyang Liang2   

  1. 1. Dongzhimen Middle School, Beijing 100700, China
    2. Department of Neurosurgery, Seventh Medical Center of PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100700, China
  • Received:2019-05-18 Published:2019-10-15
  • Corresponding author: Ruxiang Xu
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Xu Ruxiang, Email:

梁星宇, 徐如祥, 梁春阳. 急性缺血性卒中血管内治疗筛选病例的研究进展[J/OL]. 中华神经创伤外科电子杂志, 2019, 05(05): 310-314.

Xingyu Liang, Ruxiang Xu, Chunyang Liang. Recent advance in selecting patients about endovascular treatment of acute ischemic stroke[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Neurotraumatic Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2019, 05(05): 310-314.


The incidence of acute ischemic stroke rises year by year, and has a high disability rate and mortality rate. Due to limitations of intravenous alteplase in the treatment of acute ischemic stroke, five randomized trials have demonstrated the benefit of new-generation endovascular recanalization therapies (primarily stent retrievers) over medical therapy alone among patients with acute ischemic stroke since 2015, and the guidelines with acute ischemic stroke guidelines have updated in many countries. This review focuses on five major clinical studies and the latest guidelines in Europe and the United States on the selection of suitable stroke patients for mechanical thrombectomy. The following is a review of the research progress.

Emberson J,Lees KR,Lyden P, et al. Effect of treatment delay, age, and stroke severity on the effects of intravenous thrombolysis with alteplase for acute ischaemic stroke: a meta-analysis of individual patient data from randomised trials[J]. Lancet, 2014, 384: 1929-1935.
Jauch EC,Saver JL,Adams HP Jr, et al. Guidelines for the early management of patients with acute ischemic stroke: a guideline for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association[J]. Stroke, 2013, 44(3): 870-947.
Bhatia R,Hill MD,Shobha N, et al. Low rates of acute recanalization with intravenous recombinant tissue plasminogen activator in ischemic stroke: real-world experience and a call for action[J]. Stroke, 2010, 41(10): 2254-2258.
Heldner MR,Zubler C,Mattle HP, et al. National institutes of health stroke scale score and vessel occlusion in 2152 patients with acute ischemic stroke[J]. Stroke, 2013, 44(4): 1153-1157.
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Lima FO,Furie KL,Silva GS, et al. Prognosis of untreated strokes due to anterior circulation proximal intracranial arterial occlusions detected by use of computed tomography angiography[J]. JAMA Neurol, 2014, 71(2): 151-157.
Ogawa A,Mori E,Minematsu K, et al. Randomized trial of intraarterial infusion of urokinase within 6 hours of middle cerebral artery stroke: the middle cerebral artery embolism local fibrinolytic intervention trial (MELT) Japan[J]. Stroke, 2007, 38(10): 2633-2639.
Mehta B,Leslie-Mazwi TM,Chandra RV, et al. Assessing variability in neurointerventional practice patterns for acute ischemic stroke[J]. J Neurointerv Surg, 2013, 5 Suppl 1: i52-i57.
Broderick JP,Palesch YY,Demchuk AM, et al. Endovascular therapy after intravenous t-PA versus t-PA alone for stroke[J]. N Engl J Med, 2013, 368(10): 893-903.
Kidwell CS,Jahan R,Gornbein J, et al. A trial of imaging selection and endovascular treatment for ischemic stroke[J]. N Engl J Med, 2013, 368(10): 914-923.
Ciccone A,Valvassori L,Nichelatti M, et al. Endovascular treatment for acute ischemic stroke[J]. N Engl J Med, 2013, 368(10): 904-913.
Pereira VM,Gralla J,Davalos A, et al. Prospective, multicenter, single-arm study of mechanical thrombectomy using solitaire flow restoration in acute ischemic stroke[J]. Stroke, 2013, 44(10): 2802-2807.
Zaidat OO,Castonguay AC,Gupta R, et al. North American solitaire stent retriever acute stroke registry: post-marketing revascularization and clinical outcome results[J]. J Neurointerv Surg, 2014, 6(8): 584-588.
Mokin M,Dumont TM,Veznedaroglu E, et al. Solitaire flow restoration thrombectomy for acute ischemic stroke: retrospective multicenter analysis of early postmarket experience after FDA approval[J]. Neurosurgery, 2013, 73(1): 19-25.
Dávalos A,Pereira VM,Chapot R, et al. Retrospective multicenter study of solitaire FR for revascularization in the treatment of acute ischemic stroke[J]. Stroke, 2012, 43(10): 2699-2705.
Saver JL,Jahan R,Levy EI, et al. Solitaire flow restoration device versus the merci retriever in patients with acute ischaemic stroke (SWIFT): a randomised, parallel-group, non-inferiority trial[J]. Lancet, 2012, 380(9849): 1241-1249.
Berkhemer OA,Fransen PS,Beumer D, et al. A randomized trial of intraarterial treatment for acute ischemic stroke[J]. N Engl J Med, 2015, 372(1): 11-20.
Goyal M,Demchuk AM,Menon BK, et al. Randomized assessment of rapid endovascular treatment of ischemic stroke[J]. N Engl J Med, 2015, 372(11): 1019-1030.
Saver JL,Goyal M,Bonafe A, et al. Stent-retriever thrombectomy after intravenous t-PA vs. t-PA alone in stroke[J]. N Engl J Med, 2015, 372(24): 2285-2295.
Jovin TG,Chamorro A,Cobo E, et al. Thrombectomy within 8 hours after symptom onset in ischemic stroke[J]. N Engl J Med, 2015, 372(24): 2296-2306.
Campbell BC,Mitchell PJ,Kleinig TJ, et al. Endovascular therapy for ischemic stroke with perfusion-imaging selection[J]. N Engl J Med, 2015, 372(11): 1009-1018.
Nogueira RG,Jadhav AP,Haussen DC, et al. Thrombectomy 6 to 24 hours after stroke with a mismatch between deficit and infarct[J]. N Engl J Med, 378(1): 11-21.
Goyal M,Menon BK,van Zwam WH, et al. Endovascular thrombectomy after large-vessel ischaemic stroke: a meta-analysis of individual patient data from five randomised trials[J]. Lancet, 2016, 387(10029): 1723-1731.
Wahlgren N,Moreira T,Michel P, et al. Mechanical thrombectomy in acute ischemic stroke: consensus statement by ESO-karolinska stroke update 2014/2015, supported by ESO, ESMINT, ESNR and EAN[J]. Int J Stroke, 2016, 11(1): 134-147.
Powers WJ,Rabinstein AA,Ackerson T, et al. 2018 guidelines for the early management of patients with acute ischemic stroke: a guideline for healthcare professionals from the American heart association/American stroke association[J]. Stroke, 2018, 49(3): e46-e110.
Albers GW,Marks MP,Kemp S, et al. Thrombectomy for stroke at 6 to 16 hours with selection by perfusion imaging[J]. N Engl J Med, 2018, 378(8): 708-718.
Bhogal P,Bücke P,Ganslandt O, et al. Mechanical thrombectomy in patients with M1 occlusion and NIHSS score≤5: a single-centre experience[J]. Stroke Vasc Neurol, 2016, 1(4): 165-171.
Campbell BC,Hill MD,Rubiera M, et al. Safety and efficacy of solitaire stent thrombectomy: individual patient data meta-analysis of randomized trials[J]. Stroke, 2016, 47(3): 798-806.
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