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中华神经创伤外科电子杂志 ›› 2019, Vol. 05 ›› Issue (06) : 358 -364. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-9141.2019.06.009

所属专题: 文献


王东亮1, 王冬2, 何天鹏1, 赵婧1, 高欣1, 袁媛1,()   
  1. 1. 730000 兰州,甘肃省人民医院重症医学科
    2. 730000 兰州,甘肃省人民医院麻醉手术科
  • 收稿日期:2019-08-19 出版日期:2019-12-15
  • 通信作者: 袁媛
  • 基金资助:
    甘肃省自然科学研究基金计划项目(1010RJZA172); 甘肃中医药管理局科研项目(GZK-2014-29)

Comparison between two types of middle cerebral artery occlusion model in mice by monofilament method

Dongliang Wang1, Dong Wang2, Tianpeng He1, Jing Zhao1, Xin Gao1, Yuan Yuan1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Critical Care Medicine, Gansu Provincial Hospital, Lanzhou 730000, China
    2. Department of Anesthesia Surgery, Gansu Provincial Hospital, Lanzhou 730000, China
  • Received:2019-08-19 Published:2019-12-15
  • Corresponding author: Yuan Yuan
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Yuan Yuan, Email:

王东亮, 王冬, 何天鹏, 赵婧, 高欣, 袁媛. 两种线栓法制作小鼠大脑中动脉栓塞模型的比较[J]. 中华神经创伤外科电子杂志, 2019, 05(06): 358-364.

Dongliang Wang, Dong Wang, Tianpeng He, Jing Zhao, Xin Gao, Yuan Yuan. Comparison between two types of middle cerebral artery occlusion model in mice by monofilament method[J]. Chinese Journal of Neurotraumatic Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2019, 05(06): 358-364.




42只C57BL/6雄性小鼠,体质量20~22 g,按照随机数字表法分为假手术组(6只)、MCAO模型颈外动脉插线组(18只,颈外组)、MCAO模型颈总动脉插线组(18只,颈总组)。颈外组从颈外动脉剪口插入线栓栓塞大脑中动脉起始部制备小鼠大脑中动脉栓塞模型,颈总组从颈总动脉剪口插入线栓栓塞大脑中动脉起始部制备小鼠大脑中动脉栓塞模型,假手术组结扎与模型组同侧颈总动脉相同,但不插入线栓。颈外组和颈总组缺血1 h、假手术组颈总动脉结扎1 h,其后拔出线栓解除结扎,同时再灌注24 h,其后采用Longa神经功能评分,灌流取脑TTC染色,计算梗死体积并测出脑组织含水量,观察神经细胞凋亡情况,从而进行比较分析。






To establish a model of transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) in mice by inserting monofilament through common carotid artery and external carotid artery embolization, and to compare and analyze the survival rate, behavior, infarct volume, brain edema degree and neuronal apoptosis of the two models. In order to select a more feasible and effective method for establishing cerebral infarction model.


Forty-two C57BL/6 male mice weighing 20-22 g were randomly divided into sham-operated group (6 mice, S-group), MCAO model external carotid artery catheterization group (18 mice, E-group) and MCAO model common carotid artery catheterization group (18 mice, C-group). E-group prepared a mice model of middle cerebral artery embolism from the beginning of middle cerebral artery embolization by inserting a monofilament embolism into the external carotid artery shear. C-group prepared a mice model of middle cerebral artery embolism from the beginning of middle cerebral artery embolization by inserting a monofilament embolism into the common carotid artery shear. The S- group was ligated with the ipsilateral common carotid artery of the model group, but no monofilament was inserted as the control group. After 1 h of ischemia in model group and 1 h of ligation in S-group, the ligation of common carotid artery was removed and the ligation was reperfused for 24 h. Later, Longa nerve function score was used and TTC staining was performed to calculate the infarction volume, measure the water content of brain tissue and observe the neuronal apoptosis, and then the comparative analysis was made.


In both E-group and C-group, apoplexy, elevated neurological function score, brain edema, obvious infarct volume and neuronal apoptosis were observed in all mice, while in S-group, there were no obvious manifestations. Compared with the E-group, the infarction volume and the degree of brain edema in both group was close, and the number of apoptotic neurons was basically the same. The difference has no statistical significance (P>0.05). Compared with the E-group, the C-group had a higher score of neurological function and a higher mortality rate, with statistical significance(P<0.05).


The results of cerebral infarction caused by two kinds of embolization are consistent, but considering that some experiments need long-term administration and observation, and the survival rate of experimental animals in E-group is higher, so it is recommended to use external carotid artery embolization method to make middle cerebral artery embolization model.

图1 2种插线途径MCAO模型示意图
表1 3组模型小鼠存活率比较
表2 3组小鼠longa神经功能评分比较
图2 TTC染色梗死体积统计
图3 3组小鼠脑水肿程度比较
图4 TUNEL神经细胞凋亡情况(20×)
图5 TUNEL细胞凋亡阳性细胞个数统计图
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