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中华神经创伤外科电子杂志 ›› 2015, Vol. 01 ›› Issue (04) : 219 -226. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-9141.2015.04.008


张鹏1, 吴翠莹1, 陶庆霞1, 牛力军1, 陈文锦1, 刘宁1, 徐如祥1,()   
  1. 1.北京军区总医院附属八一脑科医院
  • 收稿日期:2015-06-09 出版日期:2015-04-11
  • 通信作者: 徐如祥
  • 基金资助:

Influence of three puncture sites of in utero electroporation on embryonic cortex development

Peng Zhang1, Cuiying Wu1, Qingxia Tao1, Lijun Niu1, Wenjin Chen1, Ning Liu1, Ruxiang Xu1,()   

  1. 1.Affiliated Bayi Brain Hospital,The Military General Hospital of Beijing PLA,Beijing 100700,China
  • Received:2015-06-09 Published:2015-04-11
  • Corresponding author: Ruxiang Xu

张鹏, 吴翠莹, 陶庆霞, 牛力军, 陈文锦, 刘宁, 徐如祥. 不同穿刺点行子宫内电转对小鼠胚胎皮层发育的影响[J/OL]. 中华神经创伤外科电子杂志, 2015, 01(04): 219-226.

Peng Zhang, Cuiying Wu, Qingxia Tao, Lijun Niu, Wenjin Chen, Ning Liu, Ruxiang Xu. Influence of three puncture sites of in utero electroporation on embryonic cortex development[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Neurotraumatic Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2015, 01(04): 219-226.










To compare the influence of three different puncture sites of in utero electroporation on the death rate of mice embryos,the thickness and the area of cortex,cell differentiation,cell proliferation,cell migration and cell apoptosis.


It groups on the bases of common puncture sites as follows:1.electric shock only(control);2.injection near the posterior fontanel,at about one millimeter(here,group A);3.injection along the antero-posterior axis into the cephalic ventricle(group B);and 4.injection near the midpoint between the anterior fontanel and posterior fontanel,at about three millimeters(group C).We compared the four groups using littermate mice,and repeated the experiment with 5 pregnant mice.To detect whether different injection positions affect cell differentiation,cell proliferation,cell migration and cell apoptosis,we stained cells with anti-Tbr1,anti-Tbr2,anti-Pax6 anti-Ctip2,anti-Caspase-3 and anti-Ki67.In differentiation,proliferation,and apoptosis assays,the cell number was analyzed with SPSS 13.0 software,using one way ANOVA.


We found no statistical significant differences between the three puncture methods in the death rate of embryos,the thickness and the area of cortex,cell differentiation,cell proliferation,cell migration and cell apoptosis(P>0.05).


Three puncture sites used for in utero electroporation show no significantly different negative impacts during gene transfer into the embryonic mousebrain.

表1 不同尖端对胚胎存活率及GFP阳性率的影响
图1 玻璃微量注射针的准备与子宫内电转不同方法穿刺后效果展示 A:子宫内电转技术中微量注射管的准备。a’:微量注射管尖端过粗。b’:微量注射管无尖。c’:微量注射管尖端无角度。d’:理想的微量注射管的尖端应符合以下要求:直径介于40~60µm之间,尖端角度为15-30°。图中标尺为50µm。B:子宫内电转的模式图。将DNA质粒注入脑室后,被电击进入毗邻的神经细胞,并向阳极电极板方向移动。阳性电极板位置如果所示。C、D:为不同穿刺位置的模式图(C)和真实的实验图片(D)。黄色箭头所指为后囟位置。E:不同穿刺点电转后GFP荧光蛋白的表达情况。显示不同穿刺点后荧光蛋白表达情况无差异。图中标尺为500µm。
图2 不同穿刺点对皮层厚度与皮层体积的影响 A:不同穿刺点对皮层厚度的影响。白色箭头所示为皮层厚度。B:与对照组相比,三种不同穿刺点对皮层厚度的影响无统计学意义(n=5鼠脑,采用单因素方差分析的统计方法,P>0.05)。标尺为100µm。C:不同穿刺点对皮层体积的影响。白线所描记的是整个皮层的区域。D:与对照组相比,三种不同穿刺点对皮层体积的影响无统计学意义(n=5鼠脑,采用单因素方差分析的统计方法,P>0.05)。标尺为100µm。
图3 不同穿刺点对细胞分化的影响 A:电转后脑片做Ctip2,Tbr1,Tbr2和Pax6的免疫荧光染色。电转阳性细胞标记为绿色,Ctip2,Tbr1,Tbr2和Pax6为红色。标尺为50µm。B:柱状图表示皮层中所有DAPI阳性细胞中各标记物阳性细胞所占的比例。误差线代表标准误。(n=4鼠脑,采用单因素方差分析的方法统计各组比例。Ctip2,P>0.05;Tbr1,P>0.05;Tbr2,P>0.05;Pax-6,P>0.05。)
表2 不同穿刺点胚胎存活率及GFP阳性胚胎的比例
图4 不同穿刺点对细胞增殖、迁移和凋亡的影响 A:对电转后脑片进行免疫荧光染色,红色为Ki67。B:柱状图代表与对照组相比,三种不同穿刺点之间无统计学差异。标尺为100µm。误差线代表标准误(n=4鼠脑,采用单因素方差分析的统计方法进行统计,P>0.05)。C.对A图中电转阳性细胞中Ki67阳性细胞所占比例的定量分析。对照组,n=3鼠脑,1 240细胞;A组,n=3鼠脑,1 150细胞;B组,n=3鼠脑,1 050细胞;C组,n=3鼠脑,1 170细胞(CP区:P>0.05;IZ区:P>0.05;SVZ/VZ区:P>0.05)。D.电转24 h后检测caspase-3的免疫荧光染色。白色箭头所指为caspase-3阳性细胞。E.对D图免疫荧光染色的定量分析,三种不同穿刺点之间并无统计学差异。caspase-3阳性细胞,绿色;DsRed报告基因阳性细胞,红色(n=4鼠脑,采用oneway ANOVA的统计方法进行统计,P>0.05)。标尺为50µm。误差线代表标准误。
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